At a certain point, you've got to draw a line in the sand and get serious about what you will and won't accept from yourself and from your life.


Chances are you made it to this page looking for a fitness program to help you lose weight and get you in shape.

This is more than that.

That's why it's important that you read this entire page before you sign up for anything so you know what to expect and there are no surprises later.

Because this is more than just a fitness program.

This isn't some challenge where I have you doing a bunch of random tasks for a short period of time, only to have you go right back to your old habits as soon as it's over.

This isn't a program where I give you a set of cookie cutter workouts and a generic meal plan and tell you "good luck"!

This is WAY more than that.

GRNDSZN is a complete lifestyle overhaul.

Over the next 8 weeks, we are going to redesign every aspect of your life to not only help you get in the best PHYSICAL shape of your life, but to also sharpen your MENTAL game.

I will admit, to the average person this program may seem intense.

You WILL push yourself physically on a daily basis.

At some point in the program your body will be sore and you'll probably want to tap out.

For most people, you will be training harder in this 8 weeks than you ever have before.

That's the point.

You will be given a customized strength training program designed to build incredible amounts of lean muscle while challenging your body's physical capabilities.

You WILL fuel your body like a champion.

No more eating whatever and however much you want.

This program is going to require you to clean up your nutrition and mind your portions so you can eat for your goals, not just for flavor.

You will be given a customized nutrition plan designed to fuel performance and assist in lean muscle development. You will be given daily calorie and macro goals to hit, and you will be required to track your meals.

You WILL develop new habits and discipline.

During this 8 week program we will be implementing new habits that will feed the new version of yourself.

There will be daily reading assignments to keep your mind sharp.

You will meditate daily to recenter.

You will get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.

You WILL gain a new family of likeminded people.

The goal is not just to improve your physique. You will be connected with a group of people in the trenches just like you. These will be your Brothers and Sisters in Grind.

You will connect with everyone.

You will share your highs and lows.

You will get vulnerable.

You will encourage others in the program.

You will develop relationships with people from all walks of life who are on the same grind as you.

Like I said... this isn't your average fitness program.

If all that sound good to you… WAIT A SEC

This is definitely not for everyone.

❌ If you’re at the beginning of your fitness journey, this may not be right for you at this time. The level of intensity could be overwhelming.

(If you feel like you can handle it, reach out and let’s talk)

❌ If you just want a casual workout program you can do at your convenience, look elsewhere. This ain’t that.

❌ If you like to complain and make excuses, this isn’t for you at all.

(However if you know you do this and are truly ready and willing to change that, let’s talk)

❌ If you don’t like being held accountable and need to be coddled or treated delicately, you should probably just exit this page. This program will make you cry.

❌ If you consider yourself antisocial or an introvert, this isn’t for you.

(But if this is something you’re ready and willing to work on, let’s talk)

❌ If you typically quit when things get tough, now would be a good time to quit reading this and move on… unless that is something you’re seriously done with.




I’m sure at this point, 80% of the people who started reading this have left this page.

But for those of you who stuck around and want to explore this further, let’s talk details.

[This program is closed]

I can damn near GUARANTEE you will end this program in the best physical and mental shape of your life.

I know this all might sound intense, but in 8 weeks it’ll feel like regular shit.

Your identity will literally change.

✅ All custom workouts will delivered via mobile app

✅ You will track your meals through MyFitnessPal (which will be linked to the mobile app)

✅ You will engage with the group through private group chat

✅ Daily accountability calls

✅ Group will meet once per week via zoom (mandatory)

✅ You will weigh in and take progress pics every Sunday

✅ Throughout the program you’ll have 24/7 access to me via mobile app group chat for help and support when you need it.

If you’re interested… no fuck that IF YOU ARE READY


If you feel like you need a refund policy, this program isn't for you.

Absolutely no refunds.